
Caerus offers visits to bring young Marcuenses closer to the labour market

One of the missions of Caerus-CLDS4G, in partnership with educational establishments, is to help guide students leaving or completing the education system. We do this through activities that promote the professional integration of these young people, i.e. through programmes to develop personal skills and experiences in a real work context, such as study visits, volunteering activities, among others.

During the 2021-2022 school year, Agrupamento de Escolas Carmen Miranda, Agrupamento de Escolas Nº1 do Marco de Canaveses, CESAE-Centro para o Desenvolvimento de Competências Digitais and EPAMAC - Escola Profissional de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural participated with 7 classes in these personal and social empowerment activities. Over the course of a few weeks, these 7 classes explored and developed self-knowledge and group knowledge; communication and assertiveness; emotion management; problem-solving; self-esteem and personal effectiveness; self-control and employability, using non-formal education at all times.

If personal and social competences are decisive in school and professional integration, so are experiences in real work contexts. Real-life experiences include visits to companies and institutions, cultural visits, volunteering activities and civic and youth participation. The aim is for students to be able to further enrich their personal, social, emotional and professional skills, complementing and reinforcing what was covered in the sessions.

In May and June, participants from CESAE and EPAMAC visited companies in the municipality, namely SPM - Sociedade das Pedreiras do Marco, Villae Cretative Studio, SolIntenso and the Santo António Foundation, getting closer to the labour market and learning new practical skills from the entrepreneurs and technicians who welcomed them.

Students from the Carmen Miranda School Group visited the Place of Affections on 9 June, where they explored a healthy emotional path, in an educational and playful way, for their personal and social growth.

The Personal and Social Skills Development Programme is part of activity 6 of the CLDS4G Action Plan: contributing to the signposting, referral and guidance of students leaving or completing the education system, in order to develop actions to favour professional integration through the development of personal and social skills programmes aimed at vulnerable students, in close partnership with educational establishments, promoting real-life experiences (visits to companies and institutions, cultural visits, boosting volunteering activities and civic and youth participation); and through the development of qualification exhibitions at vocational, secondary, polytechnic and university educational establishments for 9th and 12th grade students.

Source: Caerus